How Much Can You Earn As A Licensed Contractor?

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How Much Can You Earn As A Licensed Contractor?

If you think you are skilled in any sphere of construction and want to make a career of it, you are headed in the right direction. The job of a contractor is quite rewarding. You are not under the mercy of any boss, you can decide the hours you will work and that will determine your pay as well. If you want to know how much you can earn as a licensed contractor in your state, this article will certainly be of help to you. In here we will discuss the compensation you can expect once you take up projects armed with a license.

What does a Contractor’s Job Entail?

Among all the contractors that manage to make a neat sum per year, you would notice that it is the general ones who stand the best chances. This is because general contractors are responsible for hiring subcontractors for specialised jobs. The range of duties that a general contractor must perform is pretty large. From taking the required permission, to keeping track of the financial transactions to ensuring that the workers engaged in his projects are paid promptly, a general contractor must do it all. Therefore, when the state is granting you the license of a general constructor, you are not just expected to have the skill sets but the other financial acumen as well.

Experience Level and Geographic Locations Matter Too

Needless to say, there is a lot to learn on the job, when you are in the construction business. Therefore, as you gain experience, so will your salary increase. According to current market rates freshers (who have just obtained a license) may begin with a salary of $25,000 to $50,000 per annum while those with an experience level of 10 years and above may make anything between $45,000- $95,000 on an average, per year. Your salary level is also higher if you have good educational qualifications. For instance, if you have a graduation degree from any of the well-known technology schools, your chances to draw a higher salary are increased manifold.

Your geographic location has a large role to play in the salary that you earn as a general contractor. Those contractors who have found employment in the east and the west coast, end up earning higher salaries that those who are in the south. For instance, those in California and New Jersey earned a higher salary of $50,000 to $100,000 per year while those employed in Texas and North Carolina ended up earning lesser salary levels of $40,000 to 80,000 annually.

As is evident from this article, a licensed contractor with enough experience under his belt and the right educational qualifications can make quite a fortune with the services he provides. Besides, if you are engaged in the construction business, you know for sure that this is a business that will never go bust. After all people will never stop needing houses, roads and other stuff that computers cannot do yet! Therefore, if you think you have the ability to shine as a contractor, it’s time to get started on the process of obtaining a contractor’s license.

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